9999 USD Happy Birthday Cryptocurrency Trading Competition

9999 USD Happy Birthday Cryptocurrency Trading Competition

$9999 Happy Birthday Cryptocurrency Trading Competition, Celebrate the 9th CEX.IO Birthday and win up to $3,000 in cash prizes.

To celebrate CEX.IO’s 9th birthday, we’ve elected to throw a special Trading Competition with a $9,999 prize pool to commemorate another year in the ecosystem.

Whether you’re a dedicated day trader or only partake in the occasional swap, now is the time to take your transactions to the next level.

How to participate Cryptocurrency Trading Competition

Choose a Nickname

Log in to your CEX.IO trading account and enter your nickname.

Start your Trading

Trade between July 7 and July 20 like you normally would and earn points.

Win up to $5,000 prize

The participant with the highest scores will be eligible for the rewards starting from $3,000.

Cryptocurrency Trading Competition Rules

  1. The Competition runs from July 7 - July 20. *
  2. To qualify for prizes, you need to register with your nickname on the Trading Competition page.

**Please, check the list of restricted countries.

  1. Only orders placed and filled during the Trading Competition period (July 7 - July 20) are calculated against the total score.
  2. You can trade ALL available pairs on CEX.IO.
  3. We’ll announce winners on our social media pages and Telegram by August 1.
  4. The winners will receive prizes in their CEX.IO wallets within 14 business days after the winners’ announcement.


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